Meet The Team

President and CEO of Tamatta Mining & Construction services is a beneficiary of the Nunatsiavut Government who grew up on the coast of Labrador in the small community of Cartwright.
Colin began his career in maintenance/mining/construction over 20 years ago in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories following in his families’ footsteps and quickly found his true passion was in maintenance at which time he decided he would work toward his Red Seal accreditation which he successfully received in 2000. Colin began working for a large international Mining & Tunnelling Company over 15 years ago as a mechanic, moving to master mechanic, maintenance superintendent and in 2012 was promoted to Division Manager which he was responsible for the entire maintenance, equipment, recruitment and training of all operations and projects.
Colin’s dream has always been to return home and bring with him his knowledge and experiences of Mining, Maintenance and Construction to share with the Labrador communities. He has a strong commitment to the people of Labrador, environment, safety, hard work and consistency.

Vice President and COO of Tamatta Mining and Construction Services Inc. also grew up on the coast of Labrador in Cartwright. He is a current beneficiary of Nunatukavut association. He left home at the age of 21 to attain employment in Alberta. He has experience in operating heavy equipment, welding, heavy duty mechanics and mining. He owned and operated a small business in commercial garage door service and installation for 10 Years. He has attained a wealth of experience in operating a limited company which included, but is not limited to, training and supporting numerous staff. Sherman left a piece of himself in Labrador many years ago and is passionate about providing employment opportunities within his home province for future generations to benefit.

Treasurer and CFO of Tamatta Mining and Construction Services Inc. has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Alberta. He has spent much of his career in the downstream oil and gas industry working for a multi-billion dollar publicly traded company with a focus on network development, contract negotiation and investment analysis. Troy shares Colin and Sherman’s vision of the positive effect this company can have on the people of Labrador, and he plans to bring his technical knowledge to help make the company’s vision a reality